Hello! I’m Lindsey,

the owner of Sea Creature Supplies & Rare Goods. I was born and raised in Wilmington and spent many weekends at Carolina Beach with my Mom. Whether we were camping on the North End, adventuring around Fort Fisher, visiting family friends, boating or fishing, some of my best memories were made on Pleasure Island. My great- grandparents met and married in Carolina Beach on Dec. 7th, 1945 and my Grammy lived on and off the island several times as I was growing up.  Thus being said, Pleasure Island holds a special place in my heart!

For the past 10 years, I lived a fast-paced and high-stress lifestyle working in the costume department in film and television. I was majorly neglecting my mental and physical health, and more importantly, I didn’t feel like I was fulfilling my purpose. When the film and tv industries ground to a halt due to Covid, the seed of a healthy, sustainable, and fulfilling lifestyle dream was planted.  Since 2020 that seed has begun to sprout and more recently, to bloom.

Slowing down allowed me to feel healthier and present in my own life, and ushered me down a path toward creating a life filled with meaning and purpose. Opening Sea Creatures is a large part of that! I hope to show others that change is possible by sharing my story.

Aiming for moderation over extremes, I want to share this approach with others by offering practical, clean, and eco friendly, products for the body and mind.

“In Sea Creatures, I hope to offer a unique, calming, and inviting space for everyone and anyone to indulge in well-made, ethically sourced wellness products with peace of mind”

-Lindsey Gardner, Founder of Sea Creature Supplies & Rare Goods